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HOIC Lesson

Description: For my HOIC lesson I taught a "Felting Foods" Lesson. During this lesson my students and I tackled the questions: "What foods are important to you? What foods did you grow up with? What foods are important to your culture?" In this lesson, we created food using felting as our medium. We will reviewed and discussed the artists, Erin Gardner, Christina Erives, and Stephanie Shih during this lesson. These artists engage with their cultures’ foods with their artwork. Students also learned how to feel and connect personal experiences to their artwork. Please click the link below to go to the google drive folder containing the resources for this lesson. 


Rationale: For this lesson I wanted to use a medium that not many people know about. I Recently started learning about needle felting, and wanted to teach my students about it as well. I also think that it is important for students to learn and celebrate their own culture. One way this can be done is through food.




309 Lesson

Description: For my 309 lesson I created a natural rock garden lesson. During this lesson students will be creating a collaborative installation in the form of a garden. Students will work together and individually to create pieces that will be used in a larger garden. This will be done in an installation in an area that needs restoration. Students will gain confidence and pride having their artwork shown in a public location. Students will also learn the importance of connecting with nature and the world around them through public art.

Rationale: I created this lesson because I am personally interested with connecting with nature. I also think it is important for students to be able to create public artwork that others will see. This project when done in a public school, will also raise appreciation for the arts as other will see how the arts can improve areas visually. 



Literacy Activity

Description: For my 309 lesson, I also created a literacy activity to go along with my lesson. The activity was based around New Chands rock garden. In the activity I ask students to choose one of three images from Chands rock garden, then create 5 adjectives to describe certain aspects within the images. Finally create a paragraph using all 5 chosen adjectives. 

Rationale: I created this literacy activity because it is vital for students to talk about artwork. By talking about artwork, it gives students better ideas for how they want others to talk about their own artwork. I have students choose 5 adjectives so that they really have to go in depth about one of the photos. This activity will engage students in critical thinking skills.



2 PAL 2's

Description: For my first PAL 2 (The photo on the left) I was featured in the Students annual at Illinois States Universities, University Gallery. For my second PAL 2 (The photo on the right) I was featured in "All About Art Ed" which was a gallery that was put on by my major.


Rational: It is important as an art teacher to still be working on my own art, so I can stay sharp and passionate about the arts. I enjoyed being apart of these galleries as connecting with others and learning more about others through the artwork.


2 PAL 1's

Description: For my first PAL 1 (The photo on the left) Is one of my shared instagram pages MGTee. My partner and I created a custom T-shirt business. During our time at ISU we have made clothing for businesses, clubs, and sororities in Normal and Bloomington IL. I take care of our social media, and create our designs.

For my second PAL 1 (The photo on the right) I have included an artwork I made for my partner. She is going to be a speech pathologist and often works with students with disabilities. I am also interested in working with students with disabilities, so I created the autism logo out of needle felting. 


Rationale: For the social media, it is important for me as an art teacher to be in touch with the business side of art and design. This can often be the most difficult part of being an artist, so knowing more about this realm will help me help my future students. 

For my second PAL 1, it is important for me to continue to create art, and give art as gifts. Creating artwork for others is one of the most rewarding and deeply personal acts an artist can do. Being an advocate for students with disabilites is also vital for all educators.


Teaching Philosophy

As an art educator, my teaching philosophy for art revolves around creating a safe and inclusive environment where every student is valued and respected. I believe in teaching fundamental art skills that can be applied to real-world situations while also prioritizing the development of life skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking. Furthermore, I believe that art can play a crucial role in promoting social and emotional development, providing students with a powerful tool for self-expression and exploration. My ultimate goal is to empower my students and foster their creativity, no matter their future plans or career paths.


Rationale: I created this teaching philosophy to also remember what my core beliefs as an educator are. Creating a safe place for students to learn and express themselves, and teaching students to develop life skills. 

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